Curators: Łukasz Gorczyca, Łukasz Ronduda. 
The programme of the film screenings, “Art Makes Us Drunk”, is a collection of artistic works which seem to follow a perverse and, at the same time, ironic approach to reactivating the parameters of traditional esthetic experience – an experience which is evoked by truly grand works of art, and which resembles the reaction to psychotropic drugs, taking the author and viewer beyond the common perception of reality. The set includes films by Gilbert and George, Dara Birnbaum, Piotr Żyliński or Firma Portretow, which smoothly reconcile the experience of getting drunk with that of esthetics, and which tell about a peculiar type of transformation, a metaphor of the chemical nature of all our mental processes. They are a dream about the force or art, their immediate and dazing effect.